
 Every Morning, while driving to work, I am stuck in this infinity pool of thoughts. They switch from one topic to another, while my hands work their way through the car. You know that phase the mind doesn't know what the heart wants,I think that happens to me every morning. I make new resolutions everyday, literally believing its a new day of a new year everyday. But I am tried, and while I keep asking my husband to be better organise himself, multitask like I do, follow my instructions diligently, it hardly works. So frustrated today I though just pen down these thoughts,lets get to the bottom of this. Lets organize these thoughts or at least write them down. I do like talking to the pseudo me as a second person. I do like To do lists. For those who haven't ever made a TO DO list, I can tell you that its the most satisfying feeling, when you complete that task written and STRIKE it off that list. Ohhhhh. That pleasure is inexplicable. Coming back to penning down thoughts, I think i have forgotten to write, to spell, thank to these software and auto correcting tools I sometimes have to google spelling. (Google its a verb now!) Uffff! I miss my baby! Not initially but now I do. Just yesterday at the hospital (we had gone for vaccination) I saw this 15 days  old baby, and I suddenly thought, I don't even remember those days. They were blur like the aftermath of a really drunk night. Only this time it wasn't a night,it was six months! That's how old my baby was yesterday. So I just scanned through the pics in my phone and was really relieved. Yes thank to technology, I am not completely averse to technology. Only the part where it takes over my life completely to make me more efficient for me only to realize that I am becoming dumber. OMG! so many topics, so you now see why I need to pen my thoughts! 

Resolution to self, will try to pen my thoughts down cause we need a clearer, less frustrated and awake mind. I will write everyday. Topics? oh darling you have no idea the rush of ideas I just got flooded with. One Step at a time. 



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