
A word that can give rise to huge debates a world divided into two halves – atheists and GOD –fearing people. Scientifically or practically speaking only hard work, determination, dedication will help to bring out the successful person in you. Like said by our elders the above are the secret ingredients to have a successful life. But this does bring me to a line I had read once in “Business Maharajas” by Gita Piramal that behind one of the most successful entrepreneurs – Dhirubhai Ambani there were hundreds who had failed. He succeeded to create the ‘Reliance Empire’. She stated in her book that there were hundreds who had started business like him but had failed. They weren’t destined to be like him.

I have always been an ardent believer in GOD and in destiny and I strongly agree with Ms. Piramal that it was destiny that helped Mr. Ambani. It would be highly unfair to say that he worked the most, out of the all the aspiring entrepreneurs. It was just Dhirubhai Ambani’s destiny to be someone. It was his luck all the way. My faith in this entire belief was reassured during my coaching classes where our teacher had narrated his personal experience but with a caution to the tale as well.

Our teacher was a true aspirant of civils examination, that he had been preparing for it since class four. . He told us that people would reach out to him for help.He had a remarkable general awareness and knowledge that even in class four he would be able to crack the prelims paper which his seniors weren’t able to clear. He had all the qualities needed to be an IAS. But according to him destiny had planned otherwise. When his time had arrived to bell the cat, he wasn’t able to crack the final stages and after his fourth and final attempt, in which he had failed, it left him devastated. He said, he had focused on nothing else and that there was no plan B. It took him six months to out of this shock. He said over time he had realized what his destiny was – to guide the future IAS aspirants, to be their beacon of hope and light in times of distress and darkness. To be that tiny ray of hope that students would hold on to and cross every hurdle that came along.

So does this mean that he didn’t work hard enough or didn’t prepare well. I would have to strongly disagree. Our teacher told us, that he never wanted to be a teacher and that was the last thing on his mind. He lamented while chuckling that, it so happens at times that we usually become something that we always detested and never wanted to be. He advised us , when we become officers we must keep it in mind that it was GOD who wanted us to be for a certain reason, and that it was our destiny to be an officer and do some good and NOT Because we worked the hardest or were the most deserving candidate. Because deep down we know that there were better deserving candidates, who worked harder while facing hardships. He asked us to always be humble and keep this in mind so that at a later stage in life if we were to tumble upon an unethical situation or tend to drift away from our moral values, this anecdote would help us to stay grounded. His words remind me of a line from the movie spiderman – ‘ With great power, comes great responsibility’. And so as an officer every decision should be made keeping in mind the masses it would affect.

But coming back to the question does this mean that we should leave everything upon destiny and not work at all. Have no passion at all. I believe otherwise. I believe that it should be kept in mind that God helps those who help themselves, and ONLY hard work and can change hard luck. Because it is only with passion and strong believe in oneself that we take our next steps in this world and see our goal. This can be summed up by the beautiful lines of Bhagwat Gita,”Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma Faleshu Kadachan” Or “ We must do what we have to do without thinking of the fruits of the action”

We are all here for a purpose to fill and our final results of any exam shouldn’t shatter our faith in ourselves, that we lose hope in life just because things didn’t work out the way we planned it to be. After all if we all try to be the captain of the ship then who would be the sailor to row the boat, without whom the captain wouldn’t exist in the first place.



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